Collection: WITTEBOLLE Cedric

A wood sculptor based in Morbihan, the artist transcends the conventions of the material. His passion lies in creating unexpected textures that disrupt our perception of wood. He explores various artistic techniques to bring his creations to life.

His artistic approach is characterized by the delimitation, fracture, incision, carbonization, and painting of wood. He dives deep into the organic writing of wood, hybridizing it with gentleness or violence, according to his imagination. He dialogues with curves, volumes, roughness, and colors to regenerate a being, a landscape, a thought, even a state of mind.

For him, wood carving is much more than a simple creative act. It is a deeply symbiotic exchange between the artist and the material. He considers the narrative of wood, dealing with its history, its species, its colors, its contrasts, but also with the organization of the fibers, the fragilities, and the wounds of time

Cédric Wittebolle is an active member of the Ebénistes Créateurs Bretons association and the Sculpteurs de Bretagne association,

The latest exhibitions:

  • Stal-Arzou Gallery in Séné
  • Great International Expo Majestic Gallery Montsûrs
  • Collective exhibition at the Chapelle d’Arradon
  • Earth and Flame Salon
  • Collective exhibition in Chateaubourg
  • Collective exhibition in St Brévin les Pins
  • Ti hanok art gallery in Auray
  • Collective exhibition at the Festival de l’Etre d’Amour in Auray
  • Collective exhibition at the Pont des Arts in Pont Réan
  • Private sale with Bretons Creative Cabinetmakers in Chateaubourg
  • Exhibition of Breton Cabinetmakers and Creators at La Chapelle d’Arradon
  • Waterfront gallery in St Philibert
  • Spring of Artists at Locoal Mendon
  • La Ferme d’Antéa Gallery in Braspart
  • Ti hanok art gallery in Auray
  • Art and Matter Gallery in Auray
  • Autumn Colors in Coët Mieux
  • Invited to the Art gallery of the Duplessis Mornay high school in Saumur