Collection: POLIN Laura

If, by definition, a sculptor works and models space, Laure Polin, when she sculpts, does not seek to impose a form from the outside, as a chisel would attack a stone. She perceives the space offered to her as a territory to inhabit, and her works are part of this dynamic. Her approach consists of shaping her sculptures from the inside, by penetrating their very essence, rather than constructing them in an external and detached manner. She does not consider that there is a fundamental difference between an abstract form and a figurative form.

Whether she creates a bust or an abstract sculpture from an interior model, her goal is to give birth to living forms. For her, a living form is a pulsating, dense, delicate form that resonates with another form. A sculpture is a set of volumes that dialogue with each other and find harmony in their interaction. Her work is part of a process of discovery: she does not seek to illustrate a pre-established idea, but to shape a form that reveals the feeling she carries within her.

Her training, between 1990 and 2000, led her to learn sculpture from Max Figerou, a sculptor graduated from ENSBA. She trained in modeling and casting techniques at ADAC, followed modeling courses at ENSBA, as well as training in plastic expression at ESAA Duperré and training in casting techniques.

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