La foule au vernissage de la Grande Expo 2022

The Great International Expo 2022 - Winners - videos - images

The 2022 edition of this Great International Expo was a real success in every sense of the word: number of visitors, quality of the works exhibited, friendly atmosphere but oh so full of reflection and solidarity, number of sales and sympathy of the artists. Our volunteers gave their all, our partners were very generous and sometimes traveled from the other side of France. We cannot thank enough all those who have worked in favor of art and artists. See you very soon for the 2023 edition

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Plaidoyer pour défendre les droits des artistes plasticiens et leurs créations : discours de la Présidente de l'association pour l'inauguration de la Grande Expo le 2 décembre 2022. Qu'est-ce qu'un artiste plasticien ?

Diaporama du Vernissage